
The two of us on our pre-quarantine trip to Honolulu

The two of us on our pre-quarantine trip to Honolulu

Hi everyone! I realized that since we’re both going to be spending a lot of time at home, we might as well revive our old site with a redesign, with functioning pages and links. I was debating learning HTML and CSS and designing my own site, but I’m pretty sure what I’d end up with would be an awful page with blue text hyperlinks everywhere and a gazillion jpegs and gifs. I mean, I guess a very purposeful 90’s design could work, but I figured it would be much easier to just use a Squarespace design instead, so here we are.

It’s been about 5 months since we started sheltering-in-place here, so looking back at the photo above makes us both long to travel again. But at least the weather is starting to feel like summer, unlike June and July, which was dominated by gray skies and much cooler than normal temperatures. We had already heard of June Gloom, or Juneuary, but we weren’t sure what to call July’s streak of cloudy skies. July-uary doesn’t really roll off the tongue, and we couldn’t think of a good adjective to rhyme with July. Actually, are there any direct rhymes with July? By that, I mean basically replacing the first consonant in July with any other phoneme and making an actual English word (so near-rhymes like ‘goodbye’ and ‘comply’ wouldn’t count). I’m still unable to think of any words that work…

So back to this site of ours, I’m hoping that we’ll update it somewhat regularly with our travel adventures, cooking, and other random musings regarding our life. I think I’ll start off with posting about some of our most recent trips, which we never really blogged about, and now seems like a good time as any to write about them.

I hope you’ll enjoy seeing a small glimpse into our rather mundane lives. Stay safe everyone!


Golden Plum Harvest